Our scientific studies

The efficacy of Keranat™ was evaluated in two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies.

The results showed that Keranat™ not only reduces hair loss, but also leaves hair healthier and shinier.

3 ex vivo studies
Mechanism of action

2 oral clinial studies

300 mg/day
1 capsule

120 women

Keranat™ mechanism of action

The Keranat™ mechanism of action is original because it acts on the biological motor of hair : the dermal papilla.

Photo d'une femme avec des très beaux cheveux blonds ondulés grâce à l'ingrédient Keranat Groupe Robertet

Excretion of IGF-1 growth factor

Researchers have shown that hair loss in women may be related to a lower level of IGF1, which is a growth factor secreted by the dermal papilla1. IGF1 promotes cell multiplication in the bulb and regulates the hair cycle. In ex vivo tests, Keranat™ significantly increases the excretion of IGF1. As a result, cell proliferation in the bulb increases.
1 R. Noordam,”Both low circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol are associated with hair loss in middle-aged women” British Journal of Dermatology (2016) 175, pp728–734
La prolifération cellulaire - Keranat™

Cell proliferation in the hair bulb

Keranat™ significantly stimulates cell proliferation in the bulb (+140%) cwhich is a good indicator of optimal hair growth.

L'ancrage du cheveu - Keranat™

Hair anchoring

Keranat™ increases the thickness of collagen in the connective tissue, which allows better hair anchoring.

Results of the oral clinical studies

Réduction de la chute à 50% - Keranat™ - Diminuer la chute de cheveux

Reduction of hair loss

Keranat™ significantly reduced hair loss after 12 weeks , compared to the placebo. This average reduction of 50% was measured by an objective and recognised method: the phototrichogram. Similarly, 91% of women observed a reduction in hair loss. (self-evaluation).
Beauté du cheveu - Keranat™

Hair shine and health

After 6 weeks, the dermatologist recorded that subjects who consumed Keranat™ had shinier, healthier hair.

After 12 weeks, hair was significantly shinier and healthier with Keranat™ compared to the placebo.

Similarly, after 12 weeks, 75% of women noticed that their hair was brighter, softer and suppler.

réduction de la sécheresse du cuir chevelu

Reduced scalp dryness

After 6 weeks, the dermatologist recorded that scalp dryness was reduced reduced in subjects who consumed Keranat™. After 12 weeks, Keranat™ significantly reduces dryness of the scalp compared to the placebo.

The results of the studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals

Publications scientifiques, icône verte deux pages - Keranat™ Groupe Robertet

S. Boisnic et al, Hair Therapy and Transplantation, 2016

“Miliacin associated with polar lipids : effect on growth factors excretion and extracellular matrix of the dermal papilla hair follicle model maintained in survival conditions”

Publications scientifiques, icône verte deux pages - Keranat™ Groupe Robertet

M. Keophiphath et al, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2019

“Miliacin encapsulated by polar lipids stimulates cell proliferation in hair bulb and improves telogen effluvium in women”